Services: Breed Sizes & Pricing

Welcome to the Services menu. Below you will find two sections:

1.  The first section is a table that provides you the breeds of what we consider a small-sized dog, a medium-sized dog, a large-sized dog and the extra large-sized dog.

2.  The second section lists our prices for bathing and tidy each sized dog, for cutting, bathing and tidying each sized dog, teeth brushing, our skin therapy package and our top coat clarifying shampoo offering.

We pride ourselves on being open, upfront and transparent to our customers, who we consider family. If nothing else, by providing our pricing, we are saving you a telephone call. Our customers know that they can call us anytime to ask us for advice or ask us questions concerning their fur babies. We are here for YOU for all things fur babies!


Fur Baby Size Breeds
Small-Sized Fur Baby
0-15 Pounds

Shih tsu
Chihauhua-Long Haired

Medium-Sized Fur Baby
15-30 Pounds

Cocker Spaniel
Miniature Poodles
Miniature Schnauzers
Small Doodle Breeds
King Charles Cavalier

Large-Sized Fur Baby
30-60 Pounds

Large Doodles
German Sheppard
Standard Poodles

Extra Large-Sized Fur Baby
60-100 Pounds

Great Pyrenees
Saint Bernard

XX Large-Sized Fur Baby


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